OIES Technical Support

This page addresses technical support issues from the CD-ROM-based Oncology Interactive Education Series (discontinued in 2011).

Select an issue from the list below:

QuickTime Not Installed


  • OIES LAN Server v3.02 or earlier


Launching a title from the OIES LAN menu causes a 'QuickTime Not Installed' message to appear, but when I select "Install QuickTime", the program crashes and/or QuickTime is not installed.


OIES Clients earlier than version 3.03 expected client workstations to have QuickTime pre-installed as a pre-condition to using the OIES Server.


  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Install QuickTime v3.0 or later, found here.
  3. Reload the Client software and launch a title to confirm QuickTime was installed.

Last updated: Feb 5 2004
Created: Aug 2003

Server is Full


  • OIES LAN Server v3.0 or later


Launching a title displays a "Server is full. Please contact Administrator" message, but no one is connected, or fewer users than the maximum are connected.


If a Client workstation did not log out properly (either due to a crash, network disconnect or collision), then that client's seat may remain allocated as "in-use".


  1. Make sure all users are logged out of the server.
  2. Navigate to the folder \OIES\Client\Resource\Data\ and delete the following files:
    • all files with the extension .USR
    • the file CTL.VDB
  3. Re-launch the Client software. The Client will take a little longer to load while it rebuilds the files necessary for maintaining client seat allocations.

Last updated: Feb 5 2004
Created: Jul 25 2003

User Notes Cannot Edit


  • OIES LAN Server v1.0 or later


Cannot Add, Edit, Load or Save User Notes or Bookmarks


User Notes and Bookmarks can only be edited by an administrator


  1. Log in as the administrator (refer to the Server documentation).

Last updated: Feb 5 2004
Created: May 2003

User Notes Error Loading


  • OIES LAN Server v1.0 or later


When trying to load User Notes, the error message "(error loading user note 1: invalid note number") is displayed.


The User Notes file for the current OIES title may be set to read-only.


  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Navigate to the \Updates\ folder for the OIES title in which you are receiving the error (e.g., \OIES\Titles\NHL\Updates\).
  3. Ensure the file attributes for the User Notes files (typically usernote.dat, usernote.nts) are not read-only.
  4. Re-launch the Client and navigate to the OIES title in which you received the error.
  5. Log in as the administrator.
  6. Load the User Notes again to confirm they are working.

Last updated: Feb 5 2004
Created: May 2003

User Notes Changes Do Not Save


  • OIES LAN Server v1.0 or later


User Notes do not remain loaded, or changes made to User Notes or Bookmarks do not appear the next time a title is loaded.


  1. Changes to the config.ini file are only made when a user exits an OIES title via the EXIT button (found in the lower-left corner of the title, in the icon panel). Exiting the server via the QUIT button (in the upper-right corner on the blue toolbar) will not save any changes made in the title.
  2. The configuration changes are not saved when the config.ini file for the specific OIES title is set as read-only. The config.ini file is found in the \Updates\ folder for each specific OIES title (e.g., \OIES\Titles\NHL\Updates\config.ini).


If the config.ini file was set as read-only:

  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Navigate to the \Updates\ folder for the OIES title in which you are receiving the error (e.g., \OIES\Titles\NHL\Updates\).
  3. Ensure the file attributes for the config.ini file is not read-only.
  4. Re-launch the Client and navigate to the OIES title in which you received the error.
  5. Log in as the administrator.
  6. Add a new User Note.
  7. Navigate to a new screen.
  8. Return to the screen on which the User Note was added.
  9. Exit the title by selecting the EXIT icon in the lower-left corner.
  10. Launch the title again from the Client menu.
  11. Return to the screen where the User Note was made to ensure it was saved.

Last updated: Feb 5 2003
Created: May 2003

Cannot Print User Notes


  1. OIES LAN Server v3.0 or later


Director player error reading "Integer expected Error: file has not been opened" occurs when trying to print user notes.


  1. The tmpNotes.txt file is set to read-only.


  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Navigate to the installed title and find the \updates\ folder (e.g., \OIES\Titles\NHL\).
  3. Remove the "Read-only" property of the tmpNotes.txt file or delete the file and try printing again.

*Note: The tmpNotes.txt file is generated by the application when printing. The original source of the notes is the .nts file. usernotes.nts is the default file.

Last updated: Feb 5 2003
Created: Aug 2003

Unknown Folder Appears


  1. OIES LAN Server v3.0 or later


A folder appears in the server directory with the name %%Client%%.


  1. The paths to the database files are configured incorrectly in the server.ini file.


  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Navigate to the root of the Client directory.
  3. Open the server.ini file in notepad and scroll to the bottom of the file.
  4. The entry for TrackingDataPath= should refer to the "db" folder in the client directory. (e.g., \\ ..\OIES\Client\db). If the folder referred to does not exist, the server will create one. This is the source of the unknown folder.
  5. Copy the contents of the %%Client%% folder to the db folder and then delete the %%Client%% folder.

*Note: The contents of the %%Client%% folder is generated by the Tracking software. If the installation of the server was recent, the data may be from the set-up and testing of the server, and not really relevant. If the server has been in use for a longer period of time it may contain useful information. Do not delete the files if you are unsure.

Last updated: Feb 5 2003
Created: Aug 2003

Cannot Load User Notes


  1. OIES LAN Server v3.0 or later


Director player error "List expected for handler: #count" occurs when trying to load User Notes.


  1. The format for User Notes has changed. Titles currently using the older format will create an error when presented with the new format.


  1. Exit from the Client software.
  2. Navigate to the installed client directory and find the \Administration Tools folder.
  3. Launch the Admin.exe file.
  4. Insert "User Notes Update" from CD server package into CD-ROM drive.
  5. Select "Install Series Updates". This will load the new User Note functionality into all projects currently installed on server.

If you wish to expedite the process and only install updates into one folder:

  1. Access the CD-ROM drive.
  2. Open the "User Notes Update" folder.
  3. Copy the resource and xtras folders.
  4. Paste the folders into the root of the title-specific folder.
  5. When prompted to overwrite, select "Yes to All".

The new User Note file should now be accessible.

Last updated: Feb 5 2003
Created: Aug 2003

Application Runs Slowly


  1. OIES LAN Server v3.0 or later


The client side application runs slowly in Windows 2000 or Windows XP.


The client network card has corrupt or inefficient drivers.

The following is a known issue for Windows 2000:
Intel(R) PRO/100 VM network card
Driver date: 2/25/2002
Driver version:

This card and driver combo is slow under 120 kb. The driver is updated when a computer having the card goes to http://www.windowsupdate.com and downloads Microsoft's version of the of the driver.

The following is a known issue for Windows XP running on a Dell Optiplex GX1:
Dell Engineering has determined the problem to be the Windows XP native network driver for the 3Com 3C920 NIC (network interface card), which is built into the motherboard (Logic On Motherboard, or LOM) on the above systems. When the native XP driver is replaced by the Dell enhanced 3C920 driver, the problem does not occur. Additionally, when using the native XP driver, if the NIC has been connected to a network and assigned an IP, and that IP lease has not yet expired, the problem also does not occur.

Drivers are also known to be an issue with 3Com 905 (rev a, b, or c) series network cards.


Update the network card drivers on the Client machine with the manufacturer's latest drivers.
*Note: It is also known that a VPN (Virtual Private Network) may impede the performance of the OIES server.

Last updated: Feb 5 2004
Created: Nov 19 2003